Best Pre-amp for Bryston 4BST

The topic speaks for itself. As well, would it be better to seek tube versus solid state preamps for the Bryston's. I have KEF Q65 and Music Hall CD25. Again, I lean on your advice.
Have to agree with the above.I have only used a Counterpoint pre with the 4B and 4BST and was quite happy.Like yourself I wish I could of changed out more units,but....I also had a Bryston pre and thought the all Bryston combo alittle too bright comparativly[sp] speaking,good luck,Bob
I would suggest a Tube Pre-Amp as well. I think you will get better results. The Bryston combos I have heard have sounded very mechanical and somewhat forward.

For nearly a year I had a Bryston BP-25 mated to a 4bst.Never seemed to gel. Was way too bright despite some expensive and sweet sounding cables ie Cardas Golden Cross.Replaced the Bryston pre with an ancient ARC 2LSB(tube)and voila there was magic in the air. Subsequently replaced the 2LSB with the highly rated ARC SP16. Also replaced the 4BST with a 14BST.I love the tube/SS combo.It gives me much of what I want but ultimately its your ears alone that should be the arbiter of what you buy. Demo some pre amps at home if you can coz INMHO thats the only way to go.
My 2bit worth. Best of luck.
A dealer talked me into a Bryston 4B-ST / ARC LS-3 preamp combo, saying that the synergy was particularly good.

Now, ten years and many different (and much more expensive) systems later, I can say that he was right. Particularly when used with good cabling, the 4B-ST / LS-3 combo was ridiculously good for the money. While I sold the Bryston long ago, the LS-3 still anchors my second system.

PS - The LS-3 is solid-state.
I own the 4Bst and have used 4 different preamps. Three were tube based and one SS. Tubes compliment Bryston's power and dynamics by adding that tube charm--liquid midrange and sonic decay . You will be amazed at how tubes can transform your systems overall sound. I currently use a Cary SLP98 and find this combo a great match.

good luck