Best Pre-amp for Bryston 4BST

The topic speaks for itself. As well, would it be better to seek tube versus solid state preamps for the Bryston's. I have KEF Q65 and Music Hall CD25. Again, I lean on your advice.
A dealer talked me into a Bryston 4B-ST / ARC LS-3 preamp combo, saying that the synergy was particularly good.

Now, ten years and many different (and much more expensive) systems later, I can say that he was right. Particularly when used with good cabling, the 4B-ST / LS-3 combo was ridiculously good for the money. While I sold the Bryston long ago, the LS-3 still anchors my second system.

PS - The LS-3 is solid-state.
I own the 4Bst and have used 4 different preamps. Three were tube based and one SS. Tubes compliment Bryston's power and dynamics by adding that tube charm--liquid midrange and sonic decay . You will be amazed at how tubes can transform your systems overall sound. I currently use a Cary SLP98 and find this combo a great match.

good luck
I have the 4bsst and used the BP-20 with it and loved it. The bass was impactful, and there was a ton of detail. I recently changed to the SAS audio 10-A and am amazed at the synergy and musicality. The 10-a retains the detail but adds a realism that is wonderful. Both pre's are great