What would you change?

I have a system consisting of an EAD Ultradisc as transport, a Benchmark DAC, an ARC LS-15 preamp, Gamut D200 amp and VR4jr speakers, and find I am hearing some "grunge", for a lack of a better word, in the leading edge of vocals. There seems to be an edge to the sound, not a sweetnes , and I am seeking some ideas of what I might change to rid the system of the sound.
I realize the description is a bit week, but all comments will be appreciated.
There is nothing in the gamuts sound that I would remotely call grunge. Look elsewhere assuming the amp is functioning properly.
That is a very cool system. I think you have "outgrown" the nordost interconnect. Empirical Audio Holographic interconnect has really made a nice change in my system, getting rid of that leading edge digititus( for lack of a better word) without loosing the musical transients.
I would suggest power conditioning, your present system is not the cause of the glare and/or edge.
Try moving the speaker position here and there an inch or less at a time. Also try changing toe angle. You didn't mention your room and if there's any treatment but treatment can help alot, especially with first reflections. I've found the first reflections can cause what you are describing.