Jeff Rowland 302 or Conrad Johnson Premier 350

I am thinking of buying a high powered amp and I have shortlisted the JR 302 and the CJ P350. Which is better overall? Would appreciate all comments.
Just try to get a home demo (system synergy) of each if possible both are great amps but I am biased as you can tell from below.

What is the rest of your system?

I am a c-j owner since year 2000 and not a single factory repair. Knock on wood!

c-j PV-10AL, Premier 11A, MV-60, 17LS Series 2

I guess I'm lucky! LOL
Thank you guys (and girls?) for your input. The rest of my system are as follows: CEC TL 1X, Audio Space DAC-1US, ARC Ref 2, BEL 1001 MK V (mono), SF Extrema. I also have a pair of ATC SCM 100 ASL speakers which I use in my main system . I suspect the BELs are a little under-powered for the Extremas and hence, the need for a more powerful and versatile amp. Unfortunately, from where I live (in Asia), I will have to drive 5 hours across the border to get a demo (strangely, the dealers are not so friendly here). Due to all these inconveniences, a home demo is out of the question.
The Rowland will benefit from the ARC Ref 2 Balanced preamp, the CJ is Single ended only. If you want your system to sound warmer the CJ, if you want it to sound smoother/liquid with dynamics the Rowland will provide that quality. It is oh so listenable with the rowland, makes you forget about upgrades for at least 45 minutes (since we can never resist the urge...) I've heard the BEL Mono's and they do run out of steam just when you get it to the level you want.. nice sounding though.

Nice Setup..

Thanks Chris, for your thoughts. I see in your other posts that you have quite extensive experience with the hybrid Lamms. Do you think the M1.2s have enough juice for the Extremas?
Jeff Rowland 302 was one of two SS amps on CES 2005 which I have found musical ! And I have some kind of aversion toward SS :(