Antique Sound Lab Hurricane Problem

I just picked up a used pair of these and was as happy as a clam, because these sound really fabulous.

Until the amp blew a tube (V3) and that socket is now dead. Has anyone experienced this very upsetting behavior from this amp ? Is this a common problem and does it have an easy fix ? Or is the amp just really temperamental and needs lots of tips to the factory ?

The filament lights up, but there is no blue halo and the tube doesn't get hot. Meter reads "1" for that socket irrespective of what tube I use there.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I love these amps but can't afford to own an amp that is not reliable.
dimitry correct. Lots of problems with early models. I have an early model also (the HP version)..LUCKLY mine are working GREAT!!! Keep the fingers crossed.

P.S. They sound fabulous!
Apparently, the preferred version has eight .22uf white circular multicap capacitors and the other version has rectangular gray boxy caps labeled "illusion". "My" amp is a mongrel, which started its life with the "illusion" caps and the previous owner had them changed to the top of the line multicaps with silver wiring, blowing over a grand in upgrade costs. I hope that the fix is an easy one.
>>How can you distinguish old and new versions of the Hurricane?<<
That's a great question. The older units fail after 3 months and the new units fail after 6.
==That's a great question. The older units fail after 3 months and the new units fail after 6.==

Ha-ha-ha !!! But seriously, folks, I am about to drop 2.5K on these monsters. Should I do it ? Is there something else there that sounds like it ? Large VTL stuff ? Anything ? This is a lot of money on an amp with a drifting bias and blowing resistors.