Antique Sound Lab Hurricanes - Triode or Pentode ?

How do you run yours ? What are the sonic differences ? Do the amps need re-biasing when switching the mode ? What is preferred with 4 ohm speakers, like Magnepan 1.6s ?

All thoughts appreciated, as always !
I am using 2.5 pairs of Hurricanes and another pair of ASL 845 (1009) to drive my Westlake HR7 speakers, single D-Box Mammouth subwoofer and a pair of super tweeters. My experience is that I always prefer connecting the ASL amp at 16ohm, irrespective of whether the speaker is 4ohm or otherwise. I've tried many times the triode mode but I always find the pentode mode better. Perhaps I am using my Hurricanes for base (400Hz and below) and super high (15,000Hz and above) so please take this into consideration. I also would like to hear others' experience.
Thanks for the information. Does the amp need to be re-biased when switching modes or is the bias preserved ?
I think the simple answer is just look at the numbers. I find 480 for each tube to be the best. So just make sure under all circumstances the number is around 480.