what could be the best matching amplifier for ATC SCM-35?
I thought it was a good pairing. It provided a dynamic setup with nice detail and bass response. I also heard the speakers through the ATC integrated. I thought they were very similar with the Cary having a slightly richer lower midrange, and the ATC more inner-detail.

As you know probably know, the speakers are very detail and neutral with a phenominal midrange. If you go with an amp that has a brittle upper-end (such as an older, krell kav series)it may provide a fatiguing experience. I wouldn't blame the speaker. ATC's should never come across as fatiguing unless its the amp or actual music selection.

Just my opinion.
If your speaker can accomodate it, the best match is the ATC active amplification module. You can purchase it from dealer. It comes with active x-over and power amps that can be mounted on the backpanel of the speakers.

I agree with you ... a second hand Bryston with time left on the 20 year warranty is such great value....ATC's need and can handle some juice, especially in the smaller models, and a larger Bryston does the job very well!

I see your excellent system already has a good 150 WPC amp and you have installed this in a very large room with high ceilings.

My two cents would be to go for something a bit more beefier than the SIA2-150 on the power amplification side at least 250 to 300 WPC to make a significant audible difference for music with demanding base levels or, alternatively, since you have a great power amplifier already, the ATC SCM 0.1/15 sub. Even though your speakers are full range (down 6db at 48 HZ freestanding is an impressive spec.) The sub would fill out the extreme low end of base in a large room with high celiings. Another possible advantage of a quality sub is that it will put you on a first step on the way to eventually having a HT system of as high quality as your stereo system...