Aesthetix Calypso vs ARC LS25 MK2

Looking for insight from folk's who have compared these two pre's either head to head
in the same system (preferably) or experience with both in different systems.

I'm not looking at any other pre's at this time,
so please don't muddy up the thread with other pre's I should consider.

Thanks in advance...
I'm not sure how many people have your patience Perfectionist, but I'm glad to here you've gotten there. The speaker issue is one many of us forget to re-address when a new component comes into our systems. For me 1/16th of an inch can be huge sonically, so thank you for reminding all of us about that.
Your experience with the Aurios Pro match my experience. I have tried so many combinations with the Pro's that I know for a fact that everything you try will change the sound, and it is trial and error to find the right combination. I use Orchard Bay titanium cones (no longer made) on my Aurios Pros. I would recommend trying everything you can get your hands on, the isolation can be bigger than tubes and cabling. At least that's my ten cents.
Thanks for the update!
Perfectionist, It is very satisfying to hear that your system is settling and your satisfaction gaining. I hope this is it. WoW, what a long strange trip this has been. Thanks you for taking us along for the ride with you. Your experiences give others alot to glean from. Who would have thought of speaker set up playing a significant roll? Not I but, it deserves another look at on my set up. Happy listening!

Like JD said, 1/16" of an inch or millimeters, it's that crucial, especially on toe-in/out.

Forgot to mention, I had received my Nueance platform that I ordered some time ago during all this. It was sized to my Naim cdp, but it wasn't right for my system. The image was fuzzy and not clearly defined, bass was not as tight, and the pace seemed slower. I did a hardcore A/B between the Aurios Pro's and the Nueance. The pro's proved to be superior in my system. I am not dissing the Nueance, but again, it just wasn't right for my system.

Ordered three more 5/8" tungsten carbide balls from Hoover Precision to use on top of the Aurios Pro's under cdp...