music for a broken heart

looks like my girlfriend and i are not going to make it. not because we don't love each other - we do - we simply live too far away from each other and for a couple of very good reasons neither one of us can move. that's enough on that painful topic but i would love to hear people's suggestions regarding music to get me through this very, very difficult time.


You deserve a good old fashion dose of Elton John, I guess that's why they call it the blues:~). I second the NO COUNTRY! That could make you suicidal
Greg, You're missng the obvious, The Baby's "Broken Heart" or anything by John Waite/Baby's. I also agree with Sean , No Country Music. Best, Charlie
country music would make anyone suicidel; if they had to hear it more than 30 seconds. how about peter gabriel dont give up. then go find two women tonight. tell her to move to you damnet. if you both no it is right, make it work.
Try Emmylou Harris' "Red Dirt Girl". She says nothing makes her feel better than a really sad song. Also,Tom Waits' "Mule Variations" will serve well to take your mind of just about anything. Good luck.
Nashville Skyline... a good friend of mine banned it from being played in his presence for around six months after he broke up with a long time s/o.

I've spent more than one evening listening to that and Yo La Tengo's And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out with a generous pour of Bookers.