What is a good intro to "Mahler"?

I have not listened to any of Mahler's work, but I am a classical fan and would be interested in learning more about his work.

What do you recommed as a start-off symphony? Something with life and fire! Must have great sound and perdormance.

And finally, I am a vinyl fan. Need to have it in that format. Thanks all!

I'm a Mahler fanatic, which makes this question doubly hard to answer.

My absolute favorite Mahler symphony is the 9th. It is very personal and beautiful, but lengthy and maybe not the best "starter".

#1 and #4 are more accessible as "starters". But they'll leave you begging for more. I you like symphonies with big choral additions, #2 would be a great intro to Mahler's style in that vein - lots of fireworks!

Look for any Leonard Bernstein recording on vinyl. The Deutsche Grammaphon series sounds very nice.
got any tough requests :-D normally i would recommend starting with symphony #1 and progressing thru #9. however since you want "life" and "fire" in great sound and performance, i would suggest starting w/#2 the Resurection Symphony, its got it all for a newbie to mahler. I have tennstadt on EMI lp. for cd i would recommend mehta on london. if you can find bernstein on LP give it a listen.
I second the 2nd. One requirement - listen to it without interuption all the way through, on a date and time you will be allowed to do so.

I have about 6 or 7 LP versions, but so far I prefer, as do many other Mahler fans I know, the Bernstein with the NYP, originally on Columbia(?). Hard to find on vinyl, but Sony has just reissued the Bernstein/NYP Mahler symphonies on CD. The press is positive and the price is around $60.

After repeated listenings, I think you will find this a symphony that will stay with you for a lifetime. Enjoy!!
If you really want to appreciate Mahler (a complex and fascinating individual), I would suggest you start by reading about him. A very good reference is "Mahler" and "Mahler: Vienna" both by Henry Louis de la Grange. Personally, I enjoy his music more now that I have an insight into his composing. If you want a great piece to start with, try Symphony No.1 by the Florida Philharmonic Orchestra (Harmonia Mundi). It's got it all; from an outstanding performance to - what we crave - sonic gymnastics.