Todays Raido Stations suck

Is it just me, or does todays Radio suck?
When I was a teenager FM was cool, it had laid back D,jays and they played cool new music. That's were I first heard Alex Harvey, Hawkwind,Atomic Rooster,Zappa,The amboy dukes,
Robin Trower,Roxy music,BOC,Captain Beyond,Audience,
Bowie,Steely Dan,etc.

The AM of that day used to be Hit Radio, and played the top hits of the day.

FM today has become Hit radio, with a lot of cookie cutter stations all playing the same old hits, with a few of those old fm classic hits as well.

Does it only bug me, that they only play the one hit off the LP over and over again. When in fact the lp had even better tunes on it, but they never play them.

Recently with the advent of eBay, I have been able to collect a lot of rare and Great music that I never new existed before.

When my friends here the new tunes I have They get the same Idea that I always get, to start a new radio station that plays this unknown treasure. As well as the songs like "Candys gone bad" off of the Golden Earring lp with Radar love on it, you know the one.

You know what I'm talking about, am I alone here.

I must state that I live in a smaller town now, but we can still pick up the Jacksonville Florida stations.
Does this kind of practice go on all over the country?

The new music of today no longer interests me with Rap and the Rock of today all sounds the same, with only minor exceptions like Radiohead.

WHAT do you think, is their some stations that I could pickup on the internet that would satisfy my craving?

would you like to be able to get in you car and tune the radio to a station like the one I described?

First off I'm not THAT old - Hell, I'm "ONLY" 35! That said, the suggestion that getting on-line to go to different websites, download the music or go to a band's website is a little bit like the suggestion my old man had when I couldn't spell a word; "Go look it up in the dictionary". My answer was "but I don't know how to spell it!" The point is that a little too much effort is required to "find" new bands and music. My point about radio when I was growing up was that the only "effort" involved was flipping on the radio and tuning into a station. Today it seems you have to "actively" be exposed to new music. As I said before, I think radio today is so fragmented that you just can't get the diversity that you could back in the day. I've got satellite and there are 30+ digital music channels. The way they have these broken down into so many categories almost requires that you constantly flip channels to get any diversity at all! This trend, unfortunately, is found in almost all mass media these days - radio or otherwise - THAT is the problem with radio today IMO!
The argument about what is random novelty fails to take in to account that what is "new" (as in the "new" that is relevant in my argument) is often outside something like a culturally born critical taste boundary. Age is cultural condition in which particular tastes are influenced. The times one grew is quite an influence on taste, actually. And, aging does make one’s tastes more rigid. Evidence is abundant on this one. Anyone can think of exceptions, but stepping back what I describe is a powerful generalization. Z-, your notion is not scrutiny, but an excision of certain realities which require personal effort to overcome.

Oh, its 7-string guitar, btw. And, in a rebuttal against an above-posted idea that no youngsters know how to play instruments anymore, we or I were/was talking about technical proficiency, not song quality.
Well the current pop scene is dominated by RAP, how many of them can play something besides a 1200.

"I saw some PC/Internet radio software for $20 on Amazon"Ohlala

Is this software made so I can stream my tunes on the Internet?

Topic,PoP Music
While I cannot be so nieve as to say, Age does not have a part in the type of music you like. I agree with the Z man.
When was the last time you heard a good guitar solo or some good keyboards someone who didn't think screaming was singing. (This is a generalization I know) but that is my point. The Quality of current day musicianship (for the most part) is not nearly of the same caliber as the late 60's early 70's etc.
I cna just hear my grandparents writing the same thing Rockinroni just posted 35 years ago.

"Those Beatles kids just scream and yell and play that god awful distortion laden electric guitar, they sure can't play proper instruments like strings or horns like they used to. That Mick Jagger has a horrible voice, and his guitarist only knows three chords! And don't even get me started on Bob Dylan"

i just found a couple of good (for my taste) internet radio stations

at this link (Ozzy metal gods)lots of older heavy metal (which since getting my ass back into the gym I have started listening to again)


at this link ( a huge mix of all kinds of music--I like this while at work

there are lots of good internet radio stations