Favorite Movie Soundtrack

For me it was
Requiem for a Dream.

Chronos Quartet, very haunting, very gripping, fit the movie like a glove.

ANybody else?
I'm not big on background music so most soundtracks mean nothing to me.

Some things I have listened to repeatedly are the soundtrack from 'the Commitments,' 'Goodmorning Vietnam,' and 'Forrest Gump.' You can probably see what they all have in common.
Here's a couple no one mentioned yet: A Bronx Tale; The Big Easy (a very good Zydeco primer!). I plan on giving some of the earlier nominations a good listen. I love recommendations for good music.
Best wishes,
Steve H
"Les Parapluies de Cherbourg (The Umbrellas of Cherbourg)" is my #1 pick even though I have many favorites.
Wonder Boys (Dylan, Van Morrison, Leonard Cohen, Buffalo Springfield, etc.)

The Committments

Pat Garret & Billy The Kid

Oh Brother Where Art Thou