
Responses from shoff

Who is the best singer of the world ?
I believe it was that blonde who sang "Happy birthday Mr. President".   Can't think of here name but I'd recognize her face. 
How did a bands' name originate?
Not sure where the "Rush" posters got their info but Rush Hudson Limbaugh started his career in 1967.  The band "Rush" debuted in 1968.Coincidence?  I think not! 
Looking for thoughts/opinions on tube seller's response to my question...
Andy's Vintage Tubes is the only tube seller I have 100% confidence in.  You may get lucky elsewhere for a little less money but why risk it?   
Improving streaming SQ
Thanks to all who have contributed to this discussion.  No one seems to have any direct experience with the Artistic Fidelity GISO GB Isolator, but I did find a dealer in Germany who is willing to refund my $$ if I'm not completely satisfied with ... 
Improving streaming SQ
rhljazz,Thanks again for trying to help.  However, there is no gear wheel in the upper right of MY app, only the search box.  Could this be an iMac vs. PC difference? 
Improving streaming SQ
rhljazz,Thanks for trying to help.  However, I can find no such slider button on the main page.  On the left, from the top down is my user name with icon, "Home" and "Explore".  Then, under My Collection, I see icons for My Mix, Albums, Tracks, Vi... 
Improving streaming SQ
I started this thread so I thought I should chime in.  I access Tidal thru my Aurender A10's Conductor app and stream fully decoded MQA files with my $19.99 subscription.  When I checked my Tidal subscription on my iMac I found that it was set to ... 
Improving streaming SQ
Audioengr,My Aurender is A10, not the N10.  The A10 is the one box Streamer/DAC combo.  What do you recommend in this case? 
New to audiophile and need HELP.
I don't know where you live but you might try going to an audio show like RMAF in Denver where they have whole rooms set up featuring entire systems in your price range.  You can hear with your own ears and ask questions, too.  There are other sho... 
Qobuz Coming to America Soon!
Well, we are half way thru November and I have not heard that Qobuz has launched in the US yet.  I was at RMAF and "Q"obuz was a big disappointment.  Their booth was rarely manned, most of the rooms that were to feature "Q" did not have it and qui... 
What amps should I audition?
If you are going the integrated route, you owe it to yourself to audition the Gryphon Diablo.  This is the finest integrated I've ever heard and rivals separates costing more. Sweet, smooth, powerful, pristine sound that reveals lots of detail. 
Curious what people think is the best "value" high end speaker (~5K to 15K)
I think used Rockports offer a tremendous value.  Atria V1's are around $12k while the older Mira1 ($5k) and Mira 2 ($7k) and are absolutely no- brainers!  The Mira's are hard to find but there are some around. 
I Need Contact Info for Qobuz
David,Thanks for your reply.  Several people already subscribe to and listen to all 3 tiers of Qubuz.  I listened to it this week at my dealers showroom.  When I registered they took my credit card info and after a 30 day free trial will bill my c... 
This is juvenile...
"Happy birthday, Mr. President..."Marilyn Monroe 
Best used speakers under $10000
Another vote for Rockport Atrias!  The pair currently listed has been here for some time.  I bet you could get them for less than the $12k asking price.  You might try calling Goodwins in Boston.  They are Rockport dealer and sometimes have unadve...