Underestimated, song, artist or group '' gems'' ?

In any category of music you choose ( pop, opera, jazz, rock, folk - whatever ), I would like to find out about ''hidden gems'' - artists, groups or even songs and music that are not widely known or appreciated....you could include songwriters too.

I just feel that part of the excitement of discovering new music can also include past unknown gems that would be worth listening to....

Some of my ''underestimated'' favorites :

Many Elvis Costello tunes
Leonard Cohen's songs
Symphonic ''re-arrangements'' by Leppard in baroque music
The group ''Blue Rodeo''
The group (now extinct) Soul Attorneys - incredible, worth seeking out (Sony Music)
Chris Whitley. He is quietly generating a large body of work. Good songwriter, great guitarist. The two albums I recommend are his first "Living with the Law" it got some airplay in the mid 90's and his last entitled " Hotel Vast Horzion". Enjoy...
Anything by Madredeus (Portugese band).
Anouar Brahem's, Le Pas du Chat Noire (Oud, Piano and accordian).
Deb Talan's two albums (Folksy female vocals and inteligent poetic lyrics - wonderful voice)
Richard Buckner, Devotion + Doubt, and Bloomed (a bit of a country western feel, but very original lyrics and music)

Great Big Sea, from St. John's Newfoundland
The Lowest Of The Low
Tragically Hip (Great call Steelhead!)
String Cheese Incident
The David Nelson Band (yes - David Nelson from the New Riders Of The Purple Sage)
Moxy Fruvous
Queens Of The Stone Age
Rilo Kiley
Pete Namlook
John Fahey
Global Communication
Michael Stearns
Steve Roach
Sleater Kinney
Rabbit In The Moon
Luke Vibert
Nick Drake