Pink Floyd FINALLY Releases Live At Pompeii

Waited over 30 years, got the Dark Side, tomorrow Pompeii (at Best Buy), hopefully Wish You Were Here next.
Ornette still doesn't explain his comments about Wish You Were Here-I know about the DSOM DVD-his original post is factually wrong since this material(Pompeii) has been about for years and years.
Apologies about saying the orignal was on the disc,I must have picked that up wrong from the fact that the original concert footage is there.
For years I waited for a DVD release. Two months ago I broke down and bought the tape! I will buy the DVD nonetheless. I think it's a phenomenal film because it catches the band at a very crucial moment in their career, and the concept of playing in the empty amphitheater is quintessentially floydian.
I should have been a little clearer, there was not enough character space to insert the words "On DVD" in my thread title. Ben, I was wrong assuming that a possible DVD release would be released on WYWH, I did a search and it turns out that Delicate Sound Of Thunder and a Pulse DVD are being released shortly instead ( I was off by one year on the original Pompeii release, it was 72.
I just hope it sounds better than the bootleg LP version I picked up 20 years ago. The music is fantastic, the pressing quality.... wellllllll... I have heard worse.
