What will you be playing to celebrate?

Now that mass-murder Saddam Hussein has been captured, what will you be playing on your system to celebrate? Quite a few tunes come to mind, but I think I'll start with Tesla's "Modern Day Cowboy."
Alice Cooper: "One down, one to go, just another bullet in the chamber..."

Bin Laden is still a free man and has created havoc all over the world. Hey GW Bush, check out some Van Halen "C'mon baby, finish what you started...."
Yeah, I'm glad that Hussein has been finally captured, but I ain't gonna whip out "Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead" yet.

Have we forgotten? Bin Laden is really the guy we were after in the first place.

In my opinion, this has been one gigantic cluster fuck.
It is a fitting end for such a monster. While I am happy they found him in a pit...it does seem appropriate....I still kinda wish they got him at an airport in Vienna. Then it would be off to Belgium and The World Court where many of the World's Leaders who used him from time to time might squirm a bit too.

Still, GW is getting a good day and I am glad for him, even though I don't think the cost to us is anything worth it.
There are many other "monster leaders" in this world,but this one has the second largest oil reserve in the world.He was trained and funded by the CIA during the Iran/Iraq war,Osama Bin Laden was trained by the CIA to fight against the Russian during the Afgan war.Whats there to celebrate?...watch what happens in a few months,there be a power struggle between the "insurgents",there is 35 different tribes in Iraq,ask ANY middle eastern historians and they will tell you its impossible to have central rule goverment by one committee.There is two songs that comes to mind "welcome to the Jungle" and "what a wonderful world ".....Blood for oil....1 billion dollar a week for this war....UN estimate over 400,000 children died because of USA sanctions since the Iraq ONE conflict.See the movie "Bowling for Columbine" by Micheal Moore,you understand..USA is not as "Korsher" as you may think,or what the media want you to think....There are two sets of rules for this planet.. one for the UN and one for the USA..some choice......