favorite SOPRANO?

Who are some of your favorite SOPRANO's and/or CD recordings......something that absolutely melts you away.
Elly Ameling, the great Dutch soprano, posessesor of a most pure musical voice, particularly well suited to modern recording-check out:"The Art of Elly Ameling"
Philips 473 451-2 (5CD)set with music from Bach to Cole Porter.
I also agree with the vote for Elly Ameling. She is also fantastic with Schubert Lieder. Pentatone is releasing this as an RQR SACD.
I heard from reliable source that she's not a very nice in person.
Caballe, on the other hand, is great and charming in public. Only wishing she's in better health though. Flew to NY over Memorial Day week-end to attend her concert only to find out she had to cancel last minute due to illness.