Who woulda thunk?

In their wildest dreams who would have thought some 20-30 years ago that Led Zeppelin would be background music for Cadillac. Or Best Buy would have the Cars.
I still chuckle when I'm in the grocery store and hear Steely Dan's Hey Nineteen in the background - ....the Quervo Gold, the fine Columbian, make tonight a wonderful thing....don't they listen to these things, or don't they get it?
Any other commercial or background music got your attention lately?
Hopefull no one here is stupid enough to buy something based on the music in the background. If so, call me, I'll put on some music and sell you a bunch of stuff I have that I'm giving to the goodwill.

Having said that, more power to the artist's, especially if they can get corporate powers to pay big bucks for the songs.
Well I guess this ain' nothing new. I remember back in the 50's or 60's the dog food co; Rival; and the dogs barking to a Straus waltz.---Are all their dogs barking?
The most offensive sellout is the perverted use of Jefferson Airplane's "VOLUNTEERS", with the almost mantra like chant
"Start a revolution,
Start a revolution!"
Now "Start a revolution" is now used as a music bed for AN ONLINE STOCKBROKER! I remember the influence that this song had on the counter-culture in the '70's, and the resulting questioning of the traditional power structures in the USA. It was also one of the Anti-war (Vietnam) movement anthems. Now, she has pimped her music one of the very institutions that the song was meant to bring down. Ah, better living through ethanol!

)I just saw this commercial AGAIN, and I feel ill, AGAIN!)
It didn't translate Scotty_910, but I was kidding - well you're right, mostly kidding.
Hearing Greg Lake's 'I Believe In Father Christmas' in almost every supermarket before christmas.
Has anybody actually ever listened to the whole lyrics?