I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and

real life experiences or blunders. Don't be shy, I promise I'll laugh!
Sean, you were too nice. I just walked on stage & turned it down for them. If they turned it back up I would indeed turn them off at the board.

a heavy metal guitar player comes home to his girlfrend after performance heavily intoxicated with drugs and alcohol and feeling real bad.
his girlfriend is trying to help him to become better offers:
--honey maybe you wish to listen to Iron Maiden?
--ohh, ohh, i still feel bad!
--or maybe i'll play you some Slayer?
--ohh, ohh, i still feel bad!
--or i can even play you some Sepulture if you wish?
--ohh, ohh, i still feel bad!
--a..ah! i'll play you some Ricky Martin may be you'll through up!?
What do you call a guy who hangs out with musicians?

A drummer.

Driver: Most of the bands that i've worked with have been at their request. As such, they've come to trust my judgment and don't give me a hassle as they know i'm only there to do my job and make them sound the best that i can. However, there have been a few guys that took quite a while to get this idea through their thick skulls.

I chose the method that i did as i do not want a confrontation. Nor do i want to spoil what is supposed to be an enjoyable event for all involved. Giving / getting attitude never makes for smiling faces and "forcing the situation" would do just that. Dropping "subtle" hints can typically get the job done. I see your point though : )

Rockvirgo: That must have been a VERY thin record and some VERY hot water. YOW !!!

As to your comments about the "water", i hope that it was not what i think it was. Can you imagine the "jolt" that you would have gotten if the electricity would have followed the path of the "stream" backwards ??? YOW again.... Sean