I wanna hear some "audio" jokes...and

real life experiences or blunders. Don't be shy, I promise I'll laugh!
Audiobob...I hope you have another copy, it sure is one of my favourite Beatles lp's. Did you read the thread from a few days ago about the "vinyl sandwich"? Oh yeah! Use two pieces of glass to sandwich the lp, set oven at 300, and that's all I remember. Try that if you still have the record.
.........It's stupidity confession time.

Last fall I bought a new .45 Auto (pistol, not record), and to help breakin the trigger, I thought I'd dry fire it while I was listening to music. Well, I racked the slide, pointed the gun toward the floor and pulled the trigger. BOOM. The ROOM HAD JUST EXPLODED. The 230 grain FMJ slug just missed my Levinson 360S DAC, went through a small wooden CD holder that had 14 of my favorite CDs in it-- totally trashed all my Enya, Enigma, some Loreena McKennitt, and Walela CDs (about $210. worth) and came to rest in front of my left Vandersteen 5 speaker. My ears rang for hours afterward. I was home alone-- my wife would have freaked!!!

In 40-45 years of gun use, that's my second AD (accidental discharge), and indoors, it's ingrained habit with me to point guns down when pulling the trigger. My local dealer was amazed when I told him why I needed the CDs I requested, as he knew I had them, but was finally happy to sell me new ones.

I can say with confidence that a .45 FMJ slug will penetrate 14-- possibly 15, CDs in jewel cases-- consider this a "review". I'm just damned glad I wasn't using a .44 Mag. Whew! Well, that's off my chest in audioland. Cheers??? Craig
1)Q: How do you get a musician off of your doorstep?
A: Pay for the pizza.

2) Did you hear that Joe finally died after a long ilness?
Really, what did he have?
Martin Logan, Krell, Audio Research.

WOW !!! No offense to Craig, but i think that he wins the "horror story" part of this thread hands down.

Honestly though, since you confessed that much to us, you can go all the way and finish the story i.e. did you have to change your underwear after that one ? : )

As a side note to Craig, maybe you should put those CD's and the wooden CD case for sale on ebay. You could say something like "sold as is, no guarantee as i think that these CD's are "shot" : ) Sean