What system components would you buy if...........

This should make for a good thread, I think. The question is if you had to start all over again with every part of the system, AND you couldn't buy anything that is now part of your system, what would you buy?

I pose this question, because alot of the threads consist of posts from members promoting their own system's components, which is natural.

The twist here is to put together your choices that you don't own. Maybe a package that is not necessarily your "dream" system, but a similarly priced alternative that might suit your needs as well as your current one.

All comments and descriptions as to what and why, may be included too.

Have a little fun!
I would go with tube amps, Lamm or Tenor, rather than my current Ayre/Pass SS amps. I would try a passive pre-amp, like the Placette. I would spend the money I spent on my CD player on a great record player, like a Simon Yorke, and the money I spent on my record player would go towards a reasonably priced CD/SACD player like the Sony XA777ES. And I would absolute make sure that there is enough money left for a Koetsu cartridge - I love their looks but have never actually heard one. When it comes to cables, I have to pass. I cannot image replacing my NBS Omegas with anything else.
Now this is an interesting thread. My gut said Magnepan, but I would probably go some tube-high efficiency combo. I am sooo sick of being limited to amps with high power and stability in to tough loads.
I have been a tube snob so long that i surprise myself. I think I would go with an all Spectral system. Not sure of what speaker. A good friend of mine just bought a pair of Joseph 33 speakers. I was amazed at the sound he got out of these small speakers. Using a Pass 350 or something along that line. I hated that amp. He offered it to me for a couple of weeks. I listened to it for a few days. Couldn't take any more. What a dramatic difference this combo made. I would still opt for Spectral amps, pre, and CDP. As impressed as i was with the 33, maybe I would go with Josephs pearls or an ELS that had dynamics I could live with. What a great thread. I get to go day dreaming once again. Looks like i need that help from from Detlof. Looks like I need it bad.

Hmmmm...interesting proposition, as I have just completely overhauled my system over the past year or so. So, this is more of a what if game for me. What if I'd gone for the Audio Aero Capitole Mk 2 instead of the EMC-1? A Teres turntable instead of a Nottingham spacedeck? A Shelter instead of a Dynavecter cartridge? A Pass X-350 or Gamut D200 instead of a Plinius Sa-102? Kharma speakers rather than Piega? HMS rather than Jena Labs cables?

One cop-out--in its price range, I can't imagine what I would get instead of my beloved Supratek Syrah preamp. Anything I might consider would cost three times as much.

I know I must be fooling myself, but I believe I am set for a good while. The system is sounding nice. It is fun to look back and wonder what if, though. Nice thread.