Best customer service? Mondial designs!

Most of the time if we're gonna write something, it's mostly to bitch at how we were screwed. Today the sun must be shining,the birds chirping, and the smell of flowers is in the air. Ahem, I'm overdoing it a little, but I'm writing this because I had an awesome experience with Mondial Designs (Aragon & Acurus.) I was curious to hear both positive and negative experiences with manufacturers to see who stands behind their products. I will respond first with my story in the first reply.
Okay I'm back. Here's my story. I bought a used Aragon Soundstage from an ad here in audiogon. The unit was advertised as 3 months old in MINT Condition and in Perfect working order. It was rated a 10/10 on the AGS. Before the unit was shipped, the seller called me and told me upon close inspection there were some scratches that weren't noticeable and that I could still back out. I wanted the pre/pro so I said okay. He told me who would refund my money if I was unsatisfied. When the unit was delivered there were some scratches on the side that I thought were very noticeable and some on top. The ones on top looked liked they were attempted to be fixed with black marker, but the marker didn't blend very well. To say the least, it was not 10/10 on the AGS. But the caller did tell me about scratches and what is unnoticeable to some may not be to others. But I digress. When I plugged it in, there were some glitches. Symbols randomly appeares which were not in the manual. The manual referred to Appedinx A to program the remote. There was no Appendix A! I also had to keep pressing a button to get the rears to work in Dolby Digital. It should be automatic. Finally, the rears could not be adjusted or would they emit a test tone on set-up. I called Mondial Designs and talked to Anthony. After a little trouble shooting he informed me it sounded like the problem was a chip. Initial units had this "bug" and it has since been resolved in an upgraded chip. He told me to simply take it back to the dealer and the dealer could fix it under warranty. I told him I bought it through Audiogon. He then said to ship it back to the seller have him fix it and then have him send it back since the warranty covers only the original owner. I didn't want to risk damage in shipping or trust someone I didn't know with this. So I asked if I could pay Mondial to do it since they were within driving distance for me. He said they would do it AND FOR FREE!!!!. Next day I dropped off the unit to Adam. I asked them about the remote and appendix A. They said there was a seperate manual for the remote (I didn't receive it.) I then asked how much it would cost to replace the cover since it was scratched. Paul said he'd look at the price list. Adam returned in 5-10 minutes said he fixed the problems by putting in a new chip. He also gave me a new manual for the remote. AND GET THIS, he replaced the cover with a new one for FREE!!!! Yes for FREE!!!! I was floored, amazed, find the word! I mean they could have easily charged me for the cover and the chip or they could have told me to go screw myself (not a pleasant picture I assure you). Instead they stood behind their product and replaced the cover which was not even their problem. Currently I own an Aragon 8008BB, an Acurus 200x3, and now an Aragon Soundstage. I will continue to buy their products because they offer great quality and value. Now I will add phenomonal (if that's how it's spelled) to the list. Kudos Mondial Designs and thanks Adam, Anthony, and Paul. You guys are the best!!!!!
Okay my 15 minutes are up, but I meant to say add phenomonal customer service to the list. And yes I was still too lazy to look up the spelling.
I am also a big fan of Mondial Designs, both their products and their service. Paul in customer service is truly helpful, and sat patiently through my many questions, giving me a lot of details about their designs and philosophy. It paid off: I now own 3 Palladiums, 1 8008BB, and 1 8008ST, running the front three channels, the two side surrounds, and the rear pair, respectively (Aerial speakers). I have have also had experience with Acurus amps, and still have a pair running a second system in another room. Great value. My customer service story is that on one of the Acurus amps, the light on the power switch stopped working (it was about four years old at the time). I called Acurus, and didn't even have to get past the woman who answered the phone. She dropped a replacement switch in the mail, which I got two days later. Turns out they changed vendors on the switch since they made my amps, so it didn't really match the other two switches I had on the amplifiers at the time (I've since sold one of them). When I called her back, she volunteered to ship two more of the new style switches, so all three would match, all for free. Yeah, I'm kinda picky, but they went out of their way to make it right, on out-of-warranty amps. Well, sometimes it's the little things that pay big dividends for companies like Mondial Designs. Three months, a few auditions, and several conversations with Paul later, I dropped $12K+ on the Aragon amps described above. Great products, great company. Your experience is similar--what Mondial got from giving you the service and replacement pieces was only good will--no money yet. But I'll bet you'll seriously consider their products in the future. Jeff
Just bought a D2A here at Audiogon, sounds like I made a wise decision. A little service goes a long way.....
I had a good experience with Mondial too. I short-circuited my speaker cables on one channel and burnt out a little device sitting where the power comes in. They sent me one free and I was quickly back in business again. Thanks Adam.