Moving to New Zealand from USA Now What?????

OK so do I sell all my equipment, Buy new Stuff once I hit NZ or do I take it and Have it converted?

How available is audiophile gear in NZ?

My system consists of
Myryad pre amp
Toshiba sd-9200
Rel Storm
Mesa Boggie Baron
Citation 5.1 amp



I'm pretty sure an infrequent visitor to this site lives in NZ, it would be worth dropping a private email to RedKiwi and ask his advice. Great guy and sure knows his stuff.

Regards, Jeff
Jeff advise on contacting Redkiwi is a "sound" one, hasn't seen many postings from him lately but he was very active a couple of years ago. He has contributed quite a bit specially involving Neuance platforms.
Jburidan...Great country, but last time I was there increasing crime by immigrant Polynesian gangs was a concern. Some islands are administered by NZ, and their people have an absolute right to move to NZ-proper.