Reversing Polarity -- Voodoo or Easy Tweak?

In a recent thread I noticed a comment about reversing polarity of speaker wires on both speakers which sparked one of my earliest audiophile memories.

On the liner or cover notes of Dave Grusin: Discovered Again on direct to disc vinyl, circa 1977, it too recommended reversing the polarity on BOTH speakers, for best sound.

Although my first system was a 25 WPC Technics receiver with Infinity Qa's and lousy speaker wire, I still remember getting very enthusiastic about reversing the polarity and wondering if it did anything.

Can anyone explain this and/or recommend if this is even worth the experiment?
There has been a entire book published about phase inversion called "The Wood Effect" by Clark Johnsen [who, I believe, is a long term member of Audio Asylum]. This book has many documented studies concerning listeners' abilities to hear a difference when phase is inverted [both speakers polarity reversed]. Some pretty heady reading, buy people do seem to hear a difference in almost all of studies.
Jea48, no, I didn't wink. Why? I was serious. Write him and ask him...unless he's dead, and I didn't know it?

Perhaps one issue with this recording is that it was cut direct-to-disc. Maybe doing so eliminated one link in the signal chain that would have otherwise corrected the polarity? Just guessing here...
Tvad, I thought maybe you were pulling my chain...LOL...
I did do a quick look for a possible email address for Grusin on Google. No luck yet.

I did Run across a thread where Clark Johnsen gave this link;