Fuse or braker for dedicated lines?

I'll install a sub pannel for dedicated line, and don't know which one is better fuse or breaker? How big is the wire should I use between the main pannel to the sub pannel? Will the sound be better if I use sub pannel over using the main pannel for dedicated lines?
Those who have tried this both ways report that fuses sound better than circuit breakers. Unfortunately those good old threads from Redkiwi are now gone from the forum archives. Ceramic-base fuses do sound much better to me than glass-base fuses; there really is a big difference in my rig (which is a bit *too* revealing) so these subtle changes are all readily apparent. The new plastic base fuses seem to be OK too, although I haven't done a critical listening comparison between them & the ceramics.
I had to go with the new plastic fuses only because I cannot find the ceramics anymore. If anyone has a source of ceramic 20 amp round "edison base" fuses or has some available for sale then by all means please drop me an email.
In any case, take the time to polish/burnish brightly all of the metal-contacting parts of the fuse & socket. Crocus cloth does very well at this job but an ink eraser will work OK too. Then use a good contact cleaner (Kontact) on all conducting surfaces prior to assembly, including the wire ends themselves. Polish up your AC cord prongs while you're at it; makes a difference believe it or not. Be sure to power off so you don't get electrocuted!
Fuses or cicuit breakers are not going to make an audible difference . With cb you can always reset them. Fuses are a one time deal with the fuse link melting once too much current has passed through it. Should not make a difference in sound, as bishopwill suggests, I would invest in a decent power conditioner.

Good luck
Terminal's opinion is simply that: no experience so he doesn't believe it. I use two Chang Lightspeeds with my dedicated line & this is real. Don't do it; it's your loss.
I liked my music best, when I installed ceramic fuses und threw all circuit breakers out.
Was unable to track down any of the ceramics, but switched a glass based fuse to a plastic based yesterday and the improvements were definitely audible. Definitely smoother, less strident. Another of those "go figure" tweaks I guess. And I also use a "creditable" power conditioner. On a cost basis, this is a no-brainer to try. Missed that thread earlier from Redkiwi, so thanks Bob.