Cryo treated wires?

What difference does it make? Has anyone compared the before and after result?
I have personally done some experimentation with deep immersion cryo treatment v. non-cryo’d on numerous AC outlets, electrical wiring 10 gauge of various types, to a lesser extent power cords, interconnects and very shortly speaker cables (waiting to get some back from being cryo’d and cable-cooked).

I agree with Jena labs, in most cases to my ears “the item that was cryo’d is quieter in noise floor and more revealing of subtle musical nuances”. I have personally heard this for myself on my tube system and solid state system including on Psychicanimal’s system.

The question is, does the listener prefer the alteration in sound? There have been times for example where Bob Crump (and I agree because it has happened to me also) has stated that he did not prefer the sound of a certain item that was cryo’d, and other times he preferred it.

I suggest that readers listen and deiced what sounds best to them on their own system because many times I have noticed that items are system dependent. I’ve also learned that cryo treatment many time’s makes a mediocre item more equal to an expensive counter part that is not cryo’d.
Lak brings up an interesting point with outlets- many have compared and heard the difference in cryo treated outlets vs. non cryo treated outlets.
I have also heard the huge difference between cryoed and non-cryoed outlets. I have not done cryo on any wires or power cords, but can recall reading a post at Audioasylum suggesting that alloys (ie. power contacts in receptacles) probably respond more to cryo treatment than a non alloy metal with a very high purity. I don't know whether this is true or not, having no experience with it, but simply present the idea in the context of the outlets being very easy to distinguish, with the possibility of improvements in cables and power cords possibly being more subtle.
Cyro treating is like everything else in this hobby. It will change the sound of your system compared to non-cyro'd wires. This change had been beneficial to many, but not for everyone who has tried it. Getting more or less of something from the cable change, can just as likely throw a system out of balance, as correct it.
While i can't remember who it was, someone here on Agon posted a comparison between three identical cables. One was "stock" and was simply used like any other cable i.e. it was put into a system and a musical signal passed through it. Another cable was "burned" on a cable burner. I think they used a Mobie, but i can't recall for certain. The third cable was cryogenically frozen.

If memory serves me right, this individual felt that both the burned cable and the cryo'd cable were noticeably superior to the "stock" cable in most every aspect. The differences between cryo'ing and "burning" were relatively negligible according to their post. Once again, i'm working off of memory and this was at least a year or two ago.

My personal experience is that there is a very noticeable difference between "stock" cables and cables that have been "burned" on a good burner. I have never had any cryo'd wires in any of my systems nor done comparisons in other systems, so i can't say much about that. Given the very positive effects that i've had with "burning", having a cable cryo'd might simply be another layer of frosting on top of an already good tasting cake. Sean