Stillpoints or Audio Points, has anyone compared

It there a difference in sound, when using Stillpoints and if so, what to expect.

Are Stillpoints better than Audio Points.
Trying to figure out how do they differ in sound.

Also are all brass cones, even thought from different companies , do they all do the same thing or are there that are superior.
good to hear someone else has seen the light. Thanks for the followup feeback...
Jayboard's analysis is refreshing in it's common sense approach. Fortunately for all of us, the manufacturers of vibration control products almost universally offer money back guarantees. So, the policy of trying the magic in one's own system is, as always, the best. I personally don't care how something works. All I care about is if it makes an improvement in the sound of my system. I'm looking forward to hearing the Sistrum/Audiopoints and Neuance products in my system very soon.
Sistrum has plenty of white paper on their website explaining the how and whys. They are going to be at the Rocky Mountain Audio Fest, coming up. Plenty of audiophools will get a chance to check them out. Wait 'til their speakers get the press they deserve. I'm itching, cause I know what those audiophools at the show, are going to hear in Starsound's showroom. 'twil be grand...peace, warren
warren, I'm not sure there is one light to see. I'm with Jayboard when he says he is suspicious of pure doctrine in hifi. Every system, and every set of ears are different. I know some people have returned the Audiopoints because they don't work for them. The best thing to do is to try several of these kinds of products with a return option.

Frankly, I was hesitant to try the Sistrums because I'm uncomfortable with the way some of