Need advice: Budget Amp for system

I just ordered 2 B&W 804's for my Stereo (80%) and HT system. I'm using a Sony STR DA555ES Receiver as a Preamp. It's a 5 channel 80WPC with pre outs. What is the best AMP in the $1200 range that is great for music and good for HT as well ( 5 channel). I love my jazz, R&B, as well as some contemporary music. Two recommeded are Marantz 9000 and the Anthem MCA 5. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Mm.. If you don't mind buying used, I highly recommend the McCormack DNA.5. It's plenty powerful and very musical. Available for $700- $900. Happy Hunting, Craig.
sunfire cinema grand can be had near that range(1250-1350used). great power for HT and quite musical.
I have a 5-channel Adcom GFA6000 FS for $400. It does 100w/ch x 3 and 60w/ch x 2. I used it as my HT and stereo amp for a couple years until I moved and no longer had the space (currently using common HT "receiver" setup). ...Abe
......Just noticed that you specified a five channel amp. So forget the McCormack-- Sorry. Craig