pwr conditioner - vans evers unlimiter

hi all,

as i got no response when posting this in a thread on the ps-audio ultimate outlet, i thought i'd fish for feedback in a gnu thread. so, has anyone had any experience w/gnus? ;~)

seriously, i presently run my amps straight-in to the wall outlets - it gives the best sound - i don't tink i could afford the two ps-audio p1200's i'd prolly need to power-condition my amps w/o sucking the life outta them! ;~) but, i'm nervous running 'em unprotected - has anyone had any experience w/the vans evers *unlimiter*? this is a four-outlet conditioner specifically for amps, said specifically *not* to limit the current awailable to yer amps, regardless of their draw. at a retail price of $675, it sounds like it mite almost be worthwhile...

thanks in adwance, doug s.

thanks, doug s.

i did email mike; he seems wery friendly. also sez i'd need *two* unlimiters for my two electrocompaniet amps & my two bridged adcom subwoofer amps. i guess they're not *completely* current-unlimiting... ;~) at least he's up-front about it!

thanks all, doug

further follow-up from mike re: 1 vs 2 unlimiters for 4 amps:

"If you have only 4 amps it would work. However, accounts from the field seem to lean towards splitting up high power/current amps from lower power/current amps. You could always start off with one and add another later if you think its necessary or want another step up."

while the current of my adcoms ain't too shabby, the electrocompaniets can draw some serious current. if i try an unlimiter, i imagine i'd yust keep the adcoms plugged into the wall until i could afford a 2nd unlimiter, but i could try all 4 amps...

doug s.

Dug; thanks for the thread-- and reference to it. Also thanks to others for the above responses re: Van evers products. They sound attractive. Does anyone happen to know if they have a return policy? My McCormack DNA-2DX can potentially produce 2400 watts into 1 ohm, but I've got a feeling that other things would start failing before it ever got to this power level-- I think that represents quite a few amperes. It'd be interesting to hear of your experience(s) if you do this. Thanks. Craig.
........I'd just add that a Tice Elite 4 Power Conditioner sucked the life right out of the McCormack. And in fact, I now have everything plugged directly into dedicated outlets, but plan on a PS Audio P300 for transport, DAC, and pre-amp. Cheers. Craig
Craig, my DNA-1 sounds noticeably better plugged straight into the wall. Plugged into the Vans Evers Model 83, even one of the amp outlets, diminished dynamics; it was the basic "adding veils to the music."