pwr conditioner - vans evers unlimiter

hi all,

as i got no response when posting this in a thread on the ps-audio ultimate outlet, i thought i'd fish for feedback in a gnu thread. so, has anyone had any experience w/gnus? ;~)

seriously, i presently run my amps straight-in to the wall outlets - it gives the best sound - i don't tink i could afford the two ps-audio p1200's i'd prolly need to power-condition my amps w/o sucking the life outta them! ;~) but, i'm nervous running 'em unprotected - has anyone had any experience w/the vans evers *unlimiter*? this is a four-outlet conditioner specifically for amps, said specifically *not* to limit the current awailable to yer amps, regardless of their draw. at a retail price of $675, it sounds like it mite almost be worthwhile...

thanks in adwance, doug s.

thanks, doug s.

Dug; thanks for the thread-- and reference to it. Also thanks to others for the above responses re: Van evers products. They sound attractive. Does anyone happen to know if they have a return policy? My McCormack DNA-2DX can potentially produce 2400 watts into 1 ohm, but I've got a feeling that other things would start failing before it ever got to this power level-- I think that represents quite a few amperes. It'd be interesting to hear of your experience(s) if you do this. Thanks. Craig.
........I'd just add that a Tice Elite 4 Power Conditioner sucked the life right out of the McCormack. And in fact, I now have everything plugged directly into dedicated outlets, but plan on a PS Audio P300 for transport, DAC, and pre-amp. Cheers. Craig
Craig, my DNA-1 sounds noticeably better plugged straight into the wall. Plugged into the Vans Evers Model 83, even one of the amp outlets, diminished dynamics; it was the basic "adding veils to the music."
ok, update time - i purchased 2 of steve bruzonsky's unlimiters (adwertised here on a-gon; he may still have one or two) to have a go in my system. while i haven't yet done any critical listening w/familiar material - i was planted in the sweet-spot w/the tuna workin' for an hour, a couple times - initial werdict, w/one on the amps, is absolutely no sonic degradation, perhaps a smidge tighter & fuller. all in all, a satisfactory deal, as i'm lookin' for protection, not sonic improvements. i put the second unit on my pre/fono-stage/turntable/tuna, as opposed to putting two on the 4 amps. again, similar werdict - no penalty, perhaps a tad fuller sound - more *serious* ewaluation is in order. definitely will keep me happy until i can afford to try a ps-300 on the front-end, & run both unlimiters on my amps.

doug s.