improving my system, please help

I have just got a system together recently after a period of no system at all (wife factor). I currently have a CJ PV-7 pre-amp, Oddessy Stratus amp (120,000 uf upgrade), Adcom GCD-750 CD player, Martin Logan SL-3, Gronberg interconnects, Tara Labs (not sure the model) bi-wire speaker cables, isolation cones on the pre and cd player. I have no sound treatments, nor do I understand anything about them. I am on a more restrictive budget than most here on Audiogon. I am considering going to Stratus monos, upgrading to a CJ PV-5/BAT 3i or 5i/Rogue 66 or 99 and perhaps swapping out the GCD-750 for a transport/DAC setup. I am also planning on bringing in 2 dedicated lines and purchasing a HT-2000 for use with all but the amps. If I were to use the HT-2000, would I still benefit by using a dedicated line? any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
More info: I actually had a system for over a year, but it wasn't even mid-fi. I recently upgraded to the SL-3's, Stratus, and the PV-7 as well as the better cables. I do think that I'll be staying with tube preamps. Each change I made, resulted in a significant improvement. Although the overall sound seems quite good, I am sure that there is much more detail to be found. I would also like to incorporate my (currently not being used) non-powered subwoofer. I had it used previously with an active crossover, but it really did not integrate well. Is there a way to add a low pass filter to my second set of preamp outputs to extend the bass extension with the use of a addition bridged amp? I am not even familiar with what Cinepro 20 or 30 is. Is this a power conditioner? Also, is there an advantage of running second Stratus in a vertical bi-amp mode instead of mono's? There would be no cost advantage over going the mono route over vertical bi-amp mode. Any suggestions on where I can purchase Room Tunes? Also any suggestions on replacing the GCD-750 with a seperate transport and DAC? "Sound Studio Construction on a Budget" seems like a great way for me to understand the room environment issues I need to deal with.OK, I'll stop now! This discovery of how enjoyable superb sound can be is becoming a quest for me as I presume it has been for many of you. Next upgrade will certainly be the dedicated lines and a power conditioner. I do plan to proceed cautiosly. Thank you again for your advice.
I bought my Room Tunes years ago from but I think they sell other types now. Definitely proceed cautiously when treating a room or you may deaden it to the point of lifelessness... a dry and technical sound, not musical at all. You can probably find good discussions on bi-amping versus dual-mono by searchning the Forum, but the best systems I have heard were all dual-mono. If your budget is limited, consider a high quality stand alone CD player instead of separates. Good Luck
blueswan & pmwoodward - vertical bi-amping *is* dual mono - one amp for each channel. ewe give up a tad power compared to bridging the amps, but bridging causes the amp to see a speaker af half its ohm-rating, ie: it's like a 4-ohm speaker is really putting a 2-ohm load on the amp. also, wertically bi-amping is better than two mono-amps, because ewe can only bi-wire, not bi-amp w/monoblocs.

regarding upgrading yer cd-player, i'd upgrade the preamp 1st - my experience has been that a killer toobed preamp makes differences between $500 cd players & $3k cd players disappear.

ymmv, doug s.

I agree with Sedond, I would be hard pressed to give up my Air Tight tube preamp. My bad... I missed the keyword 'vertical' in the previous thread.
I'm with Aragain. What's the problem? You don't say that you're unhappy with the sound and you just got the system. Get to know it a little better before you worry about upgrades. You might try some acoustical treatments first. Or play with speaker positioning. Your stuff is very good, live with it for awhile and learn its sonic signature, both piece by piece and as a whole. Enjoy it, I'm betting it's a very enjoyable system!