beware ipod

My inital experience with the new 40gb ipod was excellent but the honeymoon is over! The unit has completely died after only several weeks of use. Numerous glitches forced me to constantly "reboot" the unit until it stopped working completely. Battery life never came close to the claimed eight hours, plus you are unable to back-up audio files from the ipod thanks to apple becoming a lackey for the music industry. I really feel like I have been taken to the cleaners on this purchase. I spent the better part of a week loading .wav files onto the unit and to have it completely crash so quickly means that apple obviously has some quality issues. The ipod is based on an off the shelf Toshiba hardrive that retails for a couple of hundred dollars so you are paying apple for the interface and the cute plastic box. I love electronics and have spent a fortune on them over the years but no purchase has been such a huge disappointment. Avoid the temptation to buy what seems like a great unit. Steven Jobs has no clothes.
can't back up files?
can someone explain this to me before i buy one? i figure it's going to take a LONG time to get all my cds into the ipod. is there no way to back them up? can't you convert your cds IN your computer, make a copy and download that copy into the ipod?
hi get music onto the ipod you have to:
1. Insert the CD into your computer and it will automatically pull up the track listings from the net.
2. Select the songs you want to import to your COMPUTERS hard drive. You cannot load songs directly onto the ipod.
3. Then you can upload the songs from your computers drive to the ipod.

What you can't do however is take songs OFF of the ipod's hard drive. You cannot burn CD's from the ipod for example or copy all your tunes onto another hard drive. The idea is to stop "piracy". The problem is that it does take a fair bit of time to "load up" your ipod. In my case several days to get approximately 1,000 tracks. If I used MP3 compression I could have loaded up 10,000 tracks. It is cool because you can go through all the CD's that are collecting dust on your shelf and just load the one or two tracks that you like. Unfortunately if your ipod dies so does all the time spent loading it up. It is as bad has having the hard drive on your computer fail. You loose everything. It's not the end of the world but I am disappointed that it crapped out so quickly and that getting any action out of apple means wasting yet more of my time. Can you imagine a large audio manufacturer selling you a preamp that completely fries after a couple weeks of use and maybe damages some other equipment? Audiophiles would be pretty upset and the company might go be out of business, but for some reason everybody makes excuses when it involves computer stuff.
People tolerate endless rebooting and other jiggery pockery to make the stuff operate but expect perfection from regular audio gear. The ipod concept is great but unfortunately the execution is lacking. If I had of known that .wav downloads from the ipod were verboten I would not have bought it. And if I had read that there was even a slight chance of them using a dodgy hard drive I would also not have bought it. The battery lie I would have lived with. Anyhow....anybody got any info on the iRiver forty gigger?...I wonder if they are using the same Toshiba drive?
Kublakhan-basically it'll take about 3-4 minutes on a reasonable PC to upload an album onto your hard drive from there the download takes seconds.
I've managed to just about fill my iPod over a couple of weeks so it's not horrific.
It takes seconds to download an album onto the iPod.

Of course once you have your whole collection you can back it up onto CD's or DVD's.

What the original poster referred to you can't officially upload back onto your hard drive from the iPod (obviously many people including my girlfriend do not want 40GB or more music stuck on their hard drive).
From what I can gather you can do this using non-Apple software but I haven't tried it.

The original poster is quite right to complain,the only valid experience is your own but you have to accept sometimes in life you get unlucky with a bad example of something it doesn't neccesarily make the technology bad.
Clearly Ntcsdan got a defective unit which if he takes the effort should be replaced by Apple under warranty. As far as downloading songs into an iPod, it takes less than an hour to transfer songs from my computer and completely fill my 30Gb model.

Portable HD players are fairly complex pieces of equipment. Effectively they are dedicated small format portable computers. In much the same way that notebook computers are semi-disposable products I really don't foresee individual iPods lasting 10 years. Also like computers you have to backup your music. The standard is if it ain't stored on 3 separate systems in 3 different places, then it ain't backed up.

If you really want to explore all things iPod, here's a link to the Apple iPod discussion group.