Feelings on Napster?

Hi, Since this is in part a forum about music, I'll put this statement and question on the table. In the past few months, I've begun to use Napster online. I'll look through the forum for reccomendations on good albums and tracks, then I'll download it on Napster, take a listen and, if I like it, purchase the album. My opinion is that Napster is really opening up accessibility to music for alot of people, allowing them to try new things that before they wouldn't have access to or simply wouldn't be prepared to invest in. It's helped expand my own horizons I know and I think it's good for music overall. Any opinions?
Why? Mainly so that I can save some money, I'm not ashamed to admit it. I've paid full retail of like over $4000 for vinyl reissues from Classic Records and other vinyl reissue labels, in the past 2 and a half years, and so....Why would I NOT be feeling some "wallet shock" from that??? (Not that I don't enjoy these, I love them....) Besides, why would anyone not want to try music for FREE, even if they did decide to buy it on vinyl, CD, SACD, or something else LATER? THE SOUND QUALITY of MP3 can get VERY close to CD, and luckily for me, this has occurred (rarely I admit, mostly due to the lack of care taken when the original MP3 file was created) on most of the more "audiophile music" oriented downloads I've done (i.e., Diana Krall...I am DEMOING my system with those songs!!! That is, on "green pen" treated Mitsui Gold CD-R's I've made from those MP3 files at 1x speed, and played on my highend CD player in my system)...................Mike, why don't you just try Napster, and maybe you'll appreciate it? If not, then simply uninstall the free program software, and forget about it. Is it really any more complicated than that?? If you have a connection faster than 56k (I don't), you might really have fun....
I just hooked my computer straight to my stereo and that even sounds great. I can download songs faster than I can listen to them. I can't imagine living without napster anymore. If you get the files that have a bit rate of 320 and use your winamp (much much better than windows media player) then you'll be in good shape. Plus I met this really cute girl (she's in a band and has a website that's how I know she's cute) in brazil who I talk to through napsters instant message deal. So go try it out already!
Yes, I met a model/student in NYC, and we did the cyber sex thing, that was fun. Met a few others, one from New Orleans said she looked like Britney Spears, and that was fun too. But of course, "it's really about the music"...that is certain, for me.
The latest news on this front claims Napster is negotiating with one of the Big Five record companies about becoming an online subscription service. Given their previous arrogance and disregard for generally accepted ethics, is it safe to call this move "selling out"? Not to fear, though, as they still get their day (week, month, etc.) in court. The same story says the RIAA was very reassuring on that point. After all the fuss this latest maneuver does leave me wondering whether Napster actually thought to get away with it all or were they just using their users for leverage and exposure to further a different agenda?
If this is a master plan by Napster than I want Scott (that's his name right?) running the country. The above mentioned company is BMG and I'm pretty sure this is all ad hoc. But, perhaps this is vindication of my idea that the best plan for the record companies was to assume that .mp3's would be around and to try to plan based on that assumption rather than spending too many resources fighting the inevitable.