And What Did You Get Your Wife For Christmas?

There is a scene in the old TV series "Home Improvement" where Jill asks Tim to build a home office for her in the attic. Tim replies with an evil grin "Don't tease me unless you really mean it. Arh, arh, arh."

Such was the case when my wife asked for a TV for Christmas. She just wanted something to watch when I'm watching a football game or a shoot 'em up in the den and our son is playing video games in the living room.

Of course we couldn't JUST get a TV. She needed a satellite receiver to get her favorite channels, a dvd player to watch chick flicks and view the Kodak picture disks. And of course a VCR to watch our old videos. It had to be simple and easy to use. Decent TV picture around 27", but no home theater. (Fresh memories of our son's system in the living room.) The stand needed to blend in well with our Cherry wood bedroom furniture. And it had to come in at $500 or less. (Aw c'mon honey, I have interconnects that cost more than that. Oops...)

Before I tell you what I did, you tell me. What would you have done? :o)

And a Merry Christmas to all!

Funny you should ask. allow me to set the scenario:
I have the bug to upgrade my analog setup. So, I put my current table here on the 'Gon hoping to sell it to take some of the credit card sting out of the new purchase. In addition, I am funding a remodel of our kitchen for my beloved; including Granite, prep sink, hardwood floors....

My motives are not completely atruistic however: My wife loves to cook and wants a kitchen conducive to that. Our house is setup so that anyone working in the kitchen is isolated from everyone else. So, I worked with the contracter to have the wall removed between the kitchen and dining room and an island installed as a divider. My wife thinks it is a great gift so we shouldn't spend a lot more on gifts for each other. Well- the table has a pending sale and is on it's way out the door, depriving me of vinyl until I get a new one. So, I says to my honey: "I sold the turntable today, that'll take SOME of the sting out of the cost of the new one". She says: Oh God no. We can't afford another purchase like that right now; what with the cost of the new kitchen."

D'OH! take about your plans backfiring on you.....
You guys just don't get it. Never, ever concede or you'll end up living with your old equipment. Most women don't have the same inclination to upgrade equipment as most of us men do. Slipknot, now look what you have...a beautiful new gourmet kitchen that your wife will love, including that "new gift island". Look what you got...bupkus, zilch, nada. Even worse than that, you sold off the only thing you could spin vinyl on. You might as well sell all your albums because it will be a cold day in hell before you see another turntable...unless you whine, moan and groan about the fact that you never get anything and you bought her that new kitchen just because you love her and all you wanted was for her to be happy, blah, blah, blah!! Or you can strap on an apron and learn to cook and forget about all that audiophile crap and get on to something more worthwhile... the choice is yours. Happy Holidays!!!
No, not at all my friend. That is hardly the end of story. I told her when I put the other table on the market, it was to help finance a new one. If she complains about the $$$, I say: "Is the mortgage being paid? Are the tuition bills being paid? Have I asked you to seek employment to help finance my hobby?" She'll counter with: "Well, you know how much you make" That will be the end of it.