Neuance or Z Slab shelf for Zoethecus rack???

I am buying a Z4R rack from Zoethecus. Is it worth the effort to go extra mile to get the Neuance shelves instead of the factory Z slab shelves??? I have heard different stories about both shelves' sonic effects. I am very confused and can't make up my mind which way to go. Thanks much for your kind inputs.
Does Ken Lyon of Neuance typically take awhile to respond? Realizing that he's presently heavily backordered that might explain the non-response to my weeks-old email inquiry, but several days ago I tried inquiring again via his website order-page & have still not received any acknowledgenment. Meanwhile the folks at Mapleshade have already processed & delivered my shelf order within the same timeframe. Perhaps some form of motivation (Neuance bribery) might help? I'd phone or write to Neuance but there's no contact information on their website.
Would some kind soul here please email me with the Neuance phone# & mailing address contact information? I'd really appreciate any helpful hints.
Hi Bob,
I just just saw this post and have resent my reply to your enquiry of 4-08-03,8:31 PM to which I replied the following morning ,in less than 12 hours of it's receipt.
I have not received any other communications.
OK Mr. Lyon thanks I'll try again - perhaps I entered my email address incorrectly as nothing was rcv'd here; thanks for your repeat efforts that's appreciated. I'll try to use the Audiogon remailer this time. I left my order detail info. @home - my email is @work. best rgds, bb

This is his e-mail address. He not only has a faboulous product, but is one of the best at answering e-mails.

thanks Richard I'll try via that approach.
Ken Lyon I've sent additional inquiries through your website & through the Audiogon remailer on Friday evening, but still I have no response. Frustrating. So far the Mapleshade shelf hasn't solved all of my problems, but it is an improvement. I'm still experimenting with it.