any good concerts coming up where you live?

the summer is coming to an end,and i got the last week of august off from work and was wondering if there are any good concerts or festivals in your neck of the woods to attend.
Seriously though, Opp, I don't know where you live but if a trip to the Bay Area is feasible during the last week of August, check out a site like and do a search for that week for this area. Mindblowing variety of choices.
thanks 4yanx, i live in miami but i'm looking to get away for couple of days.i'll take a look in ticketmaster like you said and see what's going on.
A good source for concert infirmation is You may search by artist, city and/or venue.
Hey Aida-w,

Jethro Tull with full orchestra coming up at Tanglewood August 12th.
