power conditioning - source vs amps

Someone whose opinion I respect has told me that the PS Audio powerplant's work better for source equipment, and the Shunyata Hydra 8 works better for the amps. Has anyone else had that experience or care to comment?
Tom, you ditched the power conditioners? What were they? How come you're using, now, PS UO if you didn't require power conditiners after your dedicated outlet installation? What could they be doing better than a good pc? I'm confused. peace, warren
Tom, what are those PS OUs doing for you, that your power conditioner wasn't? Dedicated outlets, but you're still going with those OUs rather than a power conditioner? I'm confused. What kind of pc did you have?
Well, my power conditioner wasn't top notch, it's an Adcom ACE-515, but I felt that it was not allowing the full current to go through. My concerns were surge suppression, and noise filtering, but without bottle-necking my current. I feel that the UO's are providing me with that. I suppose that I could have gone with a more expensive power conditioner, but from what I had read, the Ultimate Outlets seemed like a more cost effective option, and they have worked well for me so far.

Tom, I respectfully disagree. The PS OUs are certainly less expensive, but that's it. There's no cord that will replace an excellent power conditioner. You might want to consider something like the Audio Magic Mini Stealths. Non current limiting. Fasten your seatbelt, you'll see what killer electric will do for your system. Perhaps,it's a tad expensive, but watch the 'gon for used Mini Stealths. They are inexpensive and quite amazing. peace, warren
I agree with Drdiamond, Rsbeck & Tombowlus: my experience w/ power conditioners is virtually identical.
IMHO, in general, a power conditioner is the worst thing one can put into one's system esp. for the pre & the amps. The most benefit I have seen is to create dedicated outlets using dedicated wiring from the mains box (in one's basement/garage, etc). A power conditioner creates far too much filtering that encroaches into the audio band & makes for some pretty lousy listening. Most power conditioners are far too coloured thus impose their signature onto the music.
I use Richard Gray's 400S only on the CDP & TT & never did think of putting the pre & amps thru it even though a communication w/ Richard Gray re-assured me that the 400S did not contrict current. Here I'm using the 400S mainly as a surge protector for equipment that is more delicate than a pre & amp.
Those who listen w/ their pre & amps plugged into a power conditioner are undoubtably listening to music w/ some colouration. This is a fact. They might like colouration & that's just fine but it's still a colouration.
Putting an expensive power cord into a wall outlet that is carrying cruddy power is another myth. We went thru this heated discussion during Christmas break (in that us vs. Corona power cord thread). For this matter, as Slappy said, if you got cruddy power, you are covered in sh**, you can wear a tuxedo to cover it up, but you're still covered!
Get some dedicated lines & ditch that power conditioner!