power conditioning - source vs amps

Someone whose opinion I respect has told me that the PS Audio powerplant's work better for source equipment, and the Shunyata Hydra 8 works better for the amps. Has anyone else had that experience or care to comment?
The Audio Magic Eclipse is set up perfectly to isolate digital and analog. Two power cords required. I have them plugged into two dedicated outlets. that's the way to go..warren
Just a comment, since I'm in no position to know Audio Magic's current design. I'll be a bit surprised to find out that a passive plc can 'perfectly' isolate digital and analog, though any moves in this direction are [much] better than none. Anyone coming from a mixed signal or digital ic background knows the difficulty of preventing digital noise transfer, and most passive plc's are not very heavily engineered. Just skeptical of the word 'perfect' in this context, despite the separate power cords, though I could be wrong.
My preliminary experience with the Hydra-8 is that it improves upon all the components. My monoblocks are 600 watts, and I think even they improved. They were maybe 1-1.5 decibals louders without the conditioner, but were more coherent and refined with. I'd be interested to know others opinions about this, because the party-line is that power conditioners are too restrictive on amps. Perhaps good cords all around and a dedicated line are key here.

Appreciate the advice. Of course, I have already gone out and bought the Hydra 8 and the PS Audio 500, so I'll test out my own theory. I just installed a dedicate 20 amp line, but perhaps I made a mistake becuase I had the electrician use the same line for the source and the amps. I probably should have had him put in two different lines. Anyway, I'll post any interesting conclusions that I reach on this subject in a few weeks.
If you get the electrician back -- you might want to consider installing another couple of dedicated circuits. I think three dedicated circuits is great and four is ideal.