Tinnitus - do you have ringing in the ears?

I just read that an Audiogon member is selling a pair of speakers because of Tinnitus - ringing in the ears.

I have Tinnitus in both ears, one worse than the other, but I have learned to live with it.

Do you suffer from Tinnitus? Do you know of a treatment that has had successful results?

All salicylates will aggravate (or induce) tinnitus, not just aspirin. If you have tinnitus stay away from the worst offender--Pepto-Bismol (bismuth salicylate). I found out the time I took it and it kept me up all night listening to my ear sing LOUDLY (and it only knew one note)!
I've had it for about 4 years after an auto accident whiplash injury. I will be trying out Neuromonics. It's not cheap and insurance "might" cover some of the cost...........www.neuromonics.com. It's a company in Austrailia that invented it. This is a very big issue for me. Seems worse with the cold weather. About 5500 bucks in all. 3K for a Walkman like processor and return visits to have your personalized program adjusted and check progress. That's where the other 2500 goes..........

They match a hidden frequency within music that matches your Tinnitus. You listen 2 hours a day for 6 months. You turn up the volume as needed till your Tinnitus tone is washed out.It isn't a cure, but subliminal "reprogramming" for you brain. After that you still use it as desired. It in theory makes you much less aware of it.

I've searched for hours on the net and so far this is the most promisinng therapy yet..........The ATA is just a bunch of suits making money off of your misery with not much results.

Someone on here mentioned a doc who used the same matching Tinnitus tone and "cured" a patient in a few weeks. I'd like to know where that is.

I'm curious what brands of speakers you all have, and do you find some brands smooth and easy to listen to.

What are they?
From Pete Egoscue's "Pain Free" page 206:

Tinnitus is a condition that often accompanies headaches, poor balance, and positional vertigo. Like the others, its principal effect, ringing in the ears, can be addressed by repositioning the head. The ringing is literally an alarm that is telling us that the inner ear doesn't like the position of the head.""
There is a doctor here in NY that has developed a treatment whereby they determine the frequency of the tone, then generate that tone 5 degree out of phase for something like 30 seconds, then 5 more degrees out of phase for 20 seconds, continuing till it comes back to phase.

I have a tone generating program for mac (Audiotest) that can do that very thing (as well as generate any tones needed to test your gear).

I have not tried it, but perhaps I will, if i can ID the freq that bothers me.