The Perfect Room?

I am building an addition on my house, and am considering (read, begging my wife) building a dedicated listening room in the basement. Of course, it will be perfect, because all of you will guide me in this project. I'm not asking about the equipment, I'm talking about the room itself. What is the 'perfect' size, dimensions, shape, building materials, etc for a 2 channel audio room. While I'm at it, I'd better consider a multi-channel room, even though I don't currently pan to do that. Any good articles on the subject?



Ozfly and others, thanks for the great info and threads. They are very much appreciated.

Here is a neat little room mode calculator that you can keep on your desktop, it's free to download and takes the math work out of the picture. Easy to read and use also.

Just click the (ModeCalc) link at the top of the page after you follow this link:
