Times Must Be Good

In the past month I have contacted five manufacturers/ dealers either about upgrades of equipment, I own or regarding new purchases. The potential purchase in some cases was thousands of dollars. Incredibly, only one of the four, Pass Labs responded to me. Times Must Be Good.
Weeeell, Sling, waddya expect for a puny few $k??? Business starts at multiples of 10k. You can hardly get a decent car at 10k nowadays, let alone hi-end ELECTRONICS.

Seriously though, good for Pass! And maybe it's time we set up the WEVAC Corp: WE VAlue our Customers.

I'm not sure who you tried to contact, but I have had EXCELLENT service from Balanced Audio Technology, YBA & Audio Refinement, Lehmann Audio, Classe Audio, Martin Logan, DH Labs, and Eminent Technology. I have some truly inspirational stories to tell about these manufacturers, they go way above and beyond the call of duty.

Blue Circle seems like a very responsive company as well (there's likely others I've overlooked too). Have a look and listen to the products these companies market, they make excellent gear and certainly look after their customers in a big way. Regards, Jeff
Might they have been at the Stereophile Show in NYC when you contacted them? A lot of these companies are small operations and don't have coverage when the head honcho's out of the office. You might want to give them the benefit of the doubt and try them again.