Times Must Be Good

In the past month I have contacted five manufacturers/ dealers either about upgrades of equipment, I own or regarding new purchases. The potential purchase in some cases was thousands of dollars. Incredibly, only one of the four, Pass Labs responded to me. Times Must Be Good.
Its nice to hear there are other companies providing good service. None of the those listed above were called.

They may have been at the show but I sent emails to all of them. A couple of them I may call as I am still interested in pursuing it. However in regard to the potential purchase of a $3,000 DAC or cd player, I have purchased something else. In regard to the upgrade of one of my units, a subsequent purchase due to their nonresponse negates the need for it.
Emailed a seller on Audiogon with a question on his cd transport. No response. Times Are Still Good.
Every time I've called the Pass Labs folks on the phone, not only do they answer on first or second ring but also are extremely polite and accomodating of my concerns.
I am currently a very satisfied owner of three “big ticket” items from Pass.

A class-act company.
Peter Qvortrup of Audio Note has always responded to emails and is quite engaging.