Thoughts on the Rogers EHF-100?

Anyone heard this new amp? Thoughts?
I demo'd some quad 2805 speakers with the amp, and ended up buying the amp! What got me was that when I went in I was just enjoying the music rather than thinking 'is this right, could it be better', etc.

Now at home and comparing to my old amp (a NVA 80w solid state) it definitely has a 'fuller' sound, and more little details that make the music sound real. Could be the extended frequency range and harmonics? I am driving Castle Harlech's here. Feels like it could drive anything. I don't listen to very loud music, and am always under 25% on the volume dial. It drove the quad 2805's with good bass, great sound.

I have had fantastic customer support from Roger Gibboni who built a 240v version, and has followed up with great support.
I heard it at Stereo Exchange with Devore Fidelity Silverbacks as well. Very nice amp, engaging with lots of dynamic clean power, tonally accurate and it has some of that tube magic unlike a lot of new solid state sounding big tube amps.

It was a bit out of my price range, so I ended up with used VAC PA80/80 instead. These two amps sound similar but VAC is warmer and not as explosive. If you are in the market for powerful PP KT88 class A amp give Rogers EHF-100 a listen, very nice amp.
I'm interested in this amp. I heard it at RMAF a month ago, and it sounded nice (but it's very hard to do any real comparisons at a show like that).

I'm interested in Totem speakers as well, so the match could be made in heaven, as Totem thinks very highly about the amp.

I am not a big fan of the front panel aesthetics (silver knobs, cheap-looking gauge). The rest of the amp looks very nice, indeed.

How does one listen to these without being up in NYC?

Have you contacted Roger himself. He may have one nearer to where you are. He is very helpful. Contact section on their website, and he replied to me promptly.
I just heard these yesterday at stereo exchange - wow! I found it extremely impressive listening to the oscar Peterson quartet. What stood out to me was that all the details were there but they didn't distract from the overall balanced, natural sound. I found the soundstage on triode mode outstanding, with clear separation and depth, but again, not so much that it calls attention to itself. To me, however good a value these are compared to more expensive separates, it is still expensive and out of my range, but definitely on my wish list.