Any Drawbacks to COD

Are there any drawbacks to selling and item and shipping it COD?
I personally have never used COD.

I have paid for most of my purchases with PayPal or with USPS MO. If the item is large in $$, I usually contact the seller/buyer, and get a real feel for them.

I had a pair of KEF 107.2's that I had one guy 'so interested in' if I would send them COD.... well, I refused, and asked for at least 1/2 up front for shipping.... he insisted he sent it. Well, it never got there, and he stopped returnng my calls after a while...several weeks....

I will not use COD.

Any drawbacks to selling and shipping COD?

Yes, the buyer can change his/her mind, refuse delivery, and stick you with shipping charges both ways. You item also has twice as much chance to be damaged in transit.

One option that I've read before that seems to make sense to me, is to have the buyer pay double the shipping + a little 'safety fee' up front, before shipping COD.
For instance, if I'm selling a $2000 preamp and shipping is $40 ($2040), I would ask the buyer for a $100 MO non-refundable deposit. I then would ship the preamp COD for $1940. If the buyer refuses delivery, I re-list and sell the item again, and keep the $100 for shipping/services rendered.

I've over 150 transactions between AudiogoN/Ebay, and never used COD as a seller or buyer. However, this solution I've seen from previous threads seems fair for both parties, IMHO.

ive used COD several times & im in the process of another COD deal as we speak,when im selling i want shipping charges up front & when im buying i pay shipping charges up front.

ELIZIBETH,where are you getting this info from where "the ups dude will allmost allways accept a check even if you request cash"? is this from your own personal experiences or speculation also what does not getting to open up the box before paying have to do with buying somthing COD?if you sent a postal money order or paypal you've allready paid even before anything was shipped so i dont see your point!

from a buyers stand point a postal money order is the worst form of payment right behind wire tx & offers the buyer ZERO PROTECTION as postal money orders cant be stoped or recinded & can be cashed at any us post office with a fake I D.

Well as I read all this it should scare me to death and I should never buy or sell anything.---My first ever sale was setup by the buyer--a Fedex cod.---went well. Be careful using the Post Office for cod. I think you can use monopoly money for a postal cod. Then if they do use a Postal MO---It can take weeks before you get 'that' MO.--(They are slow getting the MO to you)
I swear I just escaped selling to a scam guy from Canada.--That should read--"giving" my eqp. to that scam-guy.---A close call, indeed.---Among the best things about this site is learning from others how to sell or buy---and what things to look out for.---AND reading about the misfortune of others.
Avguygeorge, this site is still safer than Ebay, but not as safe as it used to be when I first joined (Sept 2000) IMHO. I see you've been a member longer than me. As AudiogoN and the internet in general become more established and recognized, the seedy underworld element has become more entrenched as well.

I'm more careful with dealings today then 4 years ago, it seems there are so many more scammers now. There are still many fine members here, one just has to be more careful nowadays. That of course is just my 2 cents.
