Any Drawbacks to COD

Are there any drawbacks to selling and item and shipping it COD?
Well as I read all this it should scare me to death and I should never buy or sell anything.---My first ever sale was setup by the buyer--a Fedex cod.---went well. Be careful using the Post Office for cod. I think you can use monopoly money for a postal cod. Then if they do use a Postal MO---It can take weeks before you get 'that' MO.--(They are slow getting the MO to you)
I swear I just escaped selling to a scam guy from Canada.--That should read--"giving" my eqp. to that scam-guy.---A close call, indeed.---Among the best things about this site is learning from others how to sell or buy---and what things to look out for.---AND reading about the misfortune of others.
Avguygeorge, this site is still safer than Ebay, but not as safe as it used to be when I first joined (Sept 2000) IMHO. I see you've been a member longer than me. As AudiogoN and the internet in general become more established and recognized, the seedy underworld element has become more entrenched as well.

I'm more careful with dealings today then 4 years ago, it seems there are so many more scammers now. There are still many fine members here, one just has to be more careful nowadays. That of course is just my 2 cents.

I have only done 1 ebay transaction---I got that linc from another member and all worked out well.
Mom always told me I wasn't the sharpest knife in the draw; but I can learn.---And, learn I have.--Not that I won't learn more in the future.---Anyway I had my ph.# in the add so the guy called---Seems he wanted to buy anything I had and didn't care about bargaining. I asked him to click to my add, within the add. He said his computer was miles away and just wanted my email add;which I gave.--Then got an email 5 minutes latter. Ok, I'll sell to Attila the Hun--(for cash)But a check with potential for a charge-back; I was out-of-there.
A few years back, I sold an ARC PH-3 to a guy in New Jersey, COD. I sent it to a Mailboxes address, via UPS,, and somehow , they sent the MO to someone in South Carolina. I am located in Canada, but had used a friend's address in Nothern Maine, a few miles from where I live. Some months later, UPS sent me a certified check for the amount, to resolve the issue.
About two years later, I was contacted by a collection agengy from California, threatening me with a lawsuit if I didn't make good the amount I had received from UPS!!...I promptly threatened THEM with a lawsuit for harrassment, and they finally backed off. By this time I had lost the name and address of the individual I had sold to, and anyway, it wasn't my problem . UPS screwed up, not me.

Some time later I did find the address of the buyer,and sent it to the collection agency...never heard if they got the money or not.

I also sold a Krell Cd player to a guy in Western Canada, and he sent me $3500 MO just on the belief that I would send him the product!!..I don't know the solution, but I've done the same and am still not comfortable with this method of transaction.

I guess there are still some honest people in the world, after all....thankfully, a lot of them frequent Audiogon.
