Not happy yet

I have recently discovered "hi-fi" and have been replacing a few parts of my system. But I have not yet got the involving sound I am looking for. My judgement of the sound: the bass is too loud relative to other sounds, and the voices aren't prominent and involving enough. The loss of tone controls in my new higher-end pre-amp and amp (replaced older receiver) means I can't throttle the bass back as I used to do.

Any advice on where to go next? Here is the equipment:

Yamaha CDX-410u CD player (older single-play player)
Classe CP-35 pre-amp
Rotel RB-981 Power amp
Celestion S300 speakers
Cabling is generic

Room is about 12' x 25', with 8' ceiling. The speakers are at one of the room, several feet from back and side walls. Bare hardwood floor, bare ceiling, fairly sparse wall decoration.

Music is mainly Jazz, older rock, folk. I notice the well-recorded jazz sounds pretty darn good, very good highs, decent voices on the best recordings. Jazz tends not to be bass-heavy to start with.

Any ideas on what the next upgrade or change (room treatment?) should be? I have to go one thing at a time, but I expect to replace almost everything (except possibly the pre-amp and speakers) along the way.

Thanks for any advice...
OK.. The coast is clear. I'm comming in for another pass. This time I'm flying a little lower in an attempt to hit my target.

How about adding a small sub-woofer to your system. Not for more bass actually for less more controlled bass. By adding a sub it allows you a means to cross over some of the bass signal that is being sent to your primary speakers. Thus allowing you more control over the lower frequencys. This is an honest attempt to help solve your problem. (See guys I'm a team player)

Another thing I would like to emphasize is to take your time. Spend the next few months thinking about what you are really trying to accomplish. What exactly are you trying to build? Is it a tube based system? or solid state? Or do you even know yet? Warm and bright? or dark with a sharp edge?Slow down and think. Don't play the pot luck game. Build it and tweak it in your head first. Talk to lots of people. Ask lots of questions. But most important listen to lots and lots of gear.(YOUR OWN CD'S) Let every purchase bring you one step closer to your ultimate system. And for god sake be patient.

Listen to the music and to what your ear is telling you. Look at the way things are cabled. Most of us here realize the importance of good cabling even if we don't like to admit to ourselves or others what we pay for it.

The virtual system I listed in my first post is in fact my bedroom system almost to the tee. Does it sound great? Yea, but it also took a few years of wheeling and dealing and a lot of tweaks,blood,sweat and that other thing oh yea TEARS to get there. Rest a sure when you start to get close to your dream system you will be happy. VERY VERY HAPPY:~)

PS- And don't forget to have fun doing it. That is what it's really all about in the first place.
Sean and Glen (and others), thanks so much for your thoughtful responses.

I will review some past threads on speaker placement. I don't think I've tried everything; in fact, I've noticed that moving the speakers closer to the sidewall does sound a bit better (bad for soundstage though).

We do have a basement, and the floor does resonate. I have spikes (unused right now), but that would make things worse, right? So I'm thinking to try setting the speakers on milk crates to start, or on partially inflated bike inner tubes somehow. I will try the various other suggested tweaks (CD player isolation, speaker ports, etc.) also.

I wonder if source material is part of it. Has my system become "revealing" of bad material? I listened to John Hiatt's latest yesterday and Lucinda William's first album today. Both sounded good. The Allman's "Eat a Peach" on the other hand sounded all mushy and boomy, drowned out the good guitar work. I bet it would sound better in my car.

Great advice to "take your time." I don't know for sure what sound I'm looking for. I will try to be patient!
Ehart, the frequency balance of your speakers, which I have spent some time with along with owning the SL6Si from which they are derived are very laid back in the mids and even into the highs. This lack of energy in the mid band tends to draw the ear to the bass, the problem may also be exacerbated by your room acoustics. Here are some free ideas to try in your room: Place pillows in the corners of the room, the corners on the floor will be fine but if you can also affix pillows to the ceiling corners all the better. Your marriage will be in dire trouble, but thing will change. Take a few cardboard boxes, stuff them loosely with newspaper, try them both in the room and in the floor corners. Extend the spikes in the base of the speakers as far as they will go. Try picking up some carpet samples at a carpet store. They are usually around 1'X 2'or so. Place them on the floor directly in front of the speakers. You might also try toeing the speakers in so that the tweeters point directly at you. This one's not so good, but sometimes the increase in upper frequencies will balance the bass a bit like the Rogers LS 3/5A. Most of all keep experimenting. We have all had these issues at one time or another and many or us still do.
Ehart. In addressing the bass, I think Sean is right on about experimenting with speaker height/isolation. I'm not familiar with your speakers but you said your speakers are floor standers. The tweeters in you speakers should be very near ear level when you are in your listening position. If this means they need to be put on small speakers stands I would try this first. In my past experiences this has always reduced the impact of the bass as well. My $.02.
Happy Tweeking!