The infamous

We all have our own definitions of this. For some, anything above $ 700.00 on a pair of speakers is a waste of money, for others, that level becomes $ 7,000, or $ 17,000. Same goes for amplification. Just wondering what that level may be for most of us on the following components: Amplifiers, preamp, sources and speakers. Of course system matching is essential. Nevertheless, what's your opinion on this?
Amps and preamps...$6000. CDP and turntables: $6000. Tuners and tapedecks $1000 Speakers $10,000
I try to buy used or dealer demo! 50% off MSRP can sure help to build a better system!
What I consider upper limit at retail.

Amps $30,000.00
Preamps $20,000.00
Phono Stage $12,000.00
Turntable $25,000.00
Speakers $35,000.00

Although the prices I have listed are extremely high, there are products available that are at least triple the limits I have set. My numbers are based on personal listening experience and ownership as well as what I perceive as diminishing returns as spending approaches the stratospheric level.
To keep your system in balance, there really are no limits, ie if you go to $20K speakers, it could very well be beneficial to up-grade all your other components commensurately. So we can only report on out own experinces, IMO. That said:
Amp: $5K to $10K
Pre-amp: $5K to $10K
Source: $10K to $20K (digital)
Speakers: to $20K

Cheers. Craig
I know its shameful in such company, but I believe in keeping major components (amp, pre-amp, CDP, etc) to under $2000 each and accessories to under $500 each. While I freely acknowledge the this will not produce State of The Art, you can build a GREAT sounding stereo within these limits (especially with used and demo gear).