How do you know when to replace tubes

I recently purchased the Audio research Anniversary reference
The unit has 2600 hours on the tubes.The manual states replace the power supply tubes after 2000 hours.Do you indeed have to replace the tubes even if the sound is good.Another question is tube rolling enhance the sound .As an aside the Audio Research replaced the Einstein Tube pre amp noticeable improvement to the sound ,mainly the lower mid range and bass.
Ag insider logo xs@2xramy
LONG time...not "ling" retired 120s were about 100 bucks less than the 150s I just bought (they're still available by the way), and when you adjust for inflation, "present value" of money, Russian raw goods indices, jo mama, gross weight, groceries, Albert Grossman, the savings on heating your hut, the cost of cooling your hut (!), and labor used in wiping fingerprints from the glass, it's not too bad a deal...
I would check with the manufacturer prior to replacing a 6550 with a KT150!

If the filament considerations are tight on the power transformer, it could lead to failure.
Yes indeed Atmasphere. When the KT120 came out i wanted to drop them in my ARC Classic 120 (8 tubes per amp) Chris Ossana said to me you do that at your own risk and peril and make damn sure you report back thereafter.

I kinda got the stern warning and stayed with my trusted 6550 Winged C's.
Good point Atmasphere. Wolf did you check with Jolida re using KT150's @ the 502 p amp?
Once again, the risk of transformer failure from wildly careless drunk and clearly insane risk taking tube rollers raises its ugly head. I did an informal study of this issue a couple of years ago (this study is ongoing by the way) and determined...ahem...that NO TRANSFORMER FILAMENT HEATING RELATED FAILURE HAS EVER OCCURRED (or has been reported anywhere I've seen) from using 120s or now 150s (although it's early for warned!) EVER in the history of the entire audio world. None. Zero. Also, Jolida techs have approved 150s (and previously 120s) for use in the 502p, I use them now (somehow the amp is surviving, although it could BLOW UP any second) after replacing 120s that got old, and, again, no issues for me or anybody else I've ever read about spite of warnings all over the place. It's possible it's happened, but data on those happenings is nil, nada, none, zilch...still I'd check with yo' mama before going outside, you might get wet.