Would you buy speakers with out first listening ?

I've never owned a pair of speakers that I have not listened to before hand...do you guys trust and buy on opinion? If so, have you experienced any great "let down".

I've bought my last three speakers without hearing them--and haven't been disappointed yet. I have a close relationship with my dealer, and we both have similar listening preferences, so that's a BIG plus. Always buy from a dealer you can trust--and who respects you not only as a customer but as a human being. I've dealt with a lot of shitty/shady audio dealers in my time, and, believe me, once you establish a relationship with one you trust, it's like a breath of fresh spring air.

Ironically enough, my most disappointing speaker-buying experiences have happened when I auditioned them in the store. To a speaker, not ONE sounded as good in my home as when I heard it in the showroom.
I started out years ago listening and buying at the dealers place. At that place and time I was not smart enough at to realize they had better stuff driving them.--So I was always disappointed.---Since then I have bought from reading the review.---Even tho I could have listened at the store where I was buying; I thought it a waste of time.So since about 1990 I have bought without hearing first. I have always been happy with what I bought; sight--unheard. If this were a poll,my answer to the question: YES.
tough call...

you can get a general impression by here and audio review...but will have no idea how they will interact with you room and gear...
I have been disappointed, updating from B&W 802, series III to B&W N804. It has taught me never to buy speakers that I do not hear first. It was my third set of B&Ws so I didn't think it would be a problem.

Room issues and associated components make such a difference to getting the best fit. How will you know if you are getting the speaker that brings all this synergy together. I replaced the N804 last year with ATC 20-2s. I demoed over 10 speakers, and was also able to hear the finalist in my home.

In comparison with other components, it was a time consumming and difficult experience. I did, however, learn a lot in the process of what I really wanted as well as know I that I didn't compromise. This method takes a lot more time & costs more money (no used deals). To me it was fair price to make sure I got he sound I wanted.
I was just reflecting on my post about buying speakers unheard. I should add that I am much more reluctant to purchase source components on line unheard, and when I purchase a speaker I have no expectations of it being a perfect match to my amp. Perhaps thats why I haven't been disappointed.