Anyone heard Zu Druid speakers?

Speakers just reviewed:


Anyone heard them?
What do you think of them?

I am attempting to build a new system - starting with affordable high sensitivity speakers.
I listen only to acoustic music - and 90% of that is female vocal.

Are these likely to suit my tastes?

Missed this question. Answer is, Druids + Method sub are excellent but I wouldn't peg the combination at 90% of Defintion. The bass extension is only part -- and the smallest part -- of the Definition's improvement over the Druids. The flatter frequency response, greater articulation of fine detail and more effortless bloom of sound dynamics in the Definition are not equaled by adding the sub to the Druid. It barely closes the gap, IMO. I think subjectively that Druids alone are 60% of Definitions for <1/3 the price, and adding the sub maybe nudges the combo to 65% of the Defs. The Definition is more open, more projecting, more articulate, more dynamic, more scintillating than the Druid and that's before you notice anything about the bass.

Driven by a 2Wpc SET 45-based tube amp in my relatively small listening room, the Druids are a revelation in terms of detail and coherency across the frequency range. They will also play plenty loud enough. True, they will not give you the last octave of bass, but I am not terribly concerned about bass slam. Accurate and musical bass is what the Druids offer down to between 35Hz and 40Hz, enough to go a bit lower than the lowest string on a double bass, which is enough for my needs.

Can anybody give some comment if I were to use Nagra Vpa monoblock of 50 w to drive Druid or Defination. Which will be better match?
I've heard the Druids three times. Twice in official Zu Audio rooms, and once in another VTV room, which one would assume was set up professionally. Each time the Druids have sounded congested, honky and boxy. I would love to hear them properly set up because I have to believe the folks who love them are hearing something substantially different than what I have heard.

The Tone monitors sounded significantly better during the one demonstration in which both The Druids and Tones were featured.
Tvad...ditto on my account as well. I've not heard the Definitions, unfortunately, but the Druids (heard them in two systems) sounded sharply metallic, with discernible interference from the cabinet itself. I had a headache within minutes, and was unable to stay in either room. One of the rooms in which I heard the speakers was set up by Zu, so I'm unable to find an excuse for that result. In addition, the three others in our group had exactly the same reaction. Obviously, the Druid fans are hearing something quite different than what we did. As always, YMMV.